The landscape impact is an easy impact to assess pragmatically, by calculation of the rate of artificialisation of the coast.
First the outline of the original coastline : must be clearly determined: that of the originally natural coastline prior to any reclamation. This coastline is measured on 1/10 000 scale maps for all the administrative subdivisions.

Next, the outline of the original coastline which has been artificialised must be determined (harbour, landfill, breakwater constructed out to sea, etc.). This outline is not the same as the contour line of the limit of the reclamation, it is that of the natural coastline that has been artificialised. The rate of occupation of the coast can thus be calculated with precision for the coastal area of a municipal or rural district (commune), a "county" (département), a Region, an ECD water mass or the whole of the French Mediterraneean coast: it is the linear percentage of artificial coast / original coastline.